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I am a freshman student. I love to play sports such as soccer, softball, and the occasional football. I have played sports all of my life. I come from a very athletic family. My mother’s side was all soccer while my dad was a semi-pro football player. I am crazy, funny, honest, respectful, responsible, always willing to help, and outgoing. I am artistic. I do a lot of drawing, crafts, and photography. 


I have played soccer for 9 ½  years. This fall season would have made 10 years but I got pulled out last minute. I have played a co-ed level most of my life. I had played an al girls team four seasons in a row. The league I was in when I was younger, I had to be on a team that consisted of all guys. I have definitely learned a lot from that group of boys. Photography is another one of my hobbies. More hobbies include music. I love to listen to music and write my own songs. I have written over 20 songs in the past year. I am a self-taught dancer. I’ve been dancing for about a year, making over ten dance routines of my own. 


When I grow up, photography is where I am headed. I do a lot of landscape photography. I have taken part in Yearbook my eighth-grade year and took pictures of the middle school basketball team for both girls and boys and have grown since then. My pictures have gotten better in time because I have seen my mistakes that were made and I have fixed them. I have a long way to go, but I can’t wait to keep learning! 

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